Rabu, 17 Juli 2019

MYCRO combines timely activities with the right job seekers.Let's join us...!!

Information about MYCRO

MYCRO is an intuitive mobile application to use. Simple short-term work can be done directly on the MYCRO network for free. Using intelligent and self-taught algorithms known on dating platforms, MYCRO combines these activities on time with the right job seekers. He did the job. One person has time, another money.

Domestic services

Make purchases, drive services, transport services, delivery services

Virtual services

Internet search, travel planning, support services, office work, online surveys

Specialized services

Tutoring, photography, model, piano lessons, computer configuration, TV editing, DJing, maid, setting up an Internet connection

Simple Works Use Single

Mycro's success is based on intuitive ease of use. The need for job providers and job seekers must be addressed quickly and without complications. This happens when you combine the right job offer with the right person looking for work.

Only after both parties have achieved their goals. Good products for work providers. Fun and tempting for those looking for trabajo mission jobs. Your goal is to provide everyone with access to these opportunities, whether they come from a village in Vietnam, just outside Berlin or in central Manhattan.
Source: https://www.mycrojobs.io/download/Mycro-Whitepaper-Inglese.pf

MYCRO wants to solve serious problems in society. Through peer-to-peer networks for simple work, they allow people to control the rest of their time and money. During the ICO, a maximum of 100,000,000 MYO will be created. Softbank will be reached up to 3.5 million euros.

How to use the Mycro Token (MYO)

Job Purchase Use Mycro Token (MYO) to get a better position within the service provider. This allows you to determine the amount of your rate yourself. We call this job purchases.
The currency
Mycro token (MYO) should be used to pay for work, reliably and securely, using a smart warranty agreement. (Expected)
Get MYO from the community rewards kit to get good grades after successfully working and building the Mycro community, controlled by a smart contract.
Facts and specifications
Symbol: MYO
Softcap: € 3,500,000
Hardcap: € 14,000,000
Supply Token: 100,000 MYO
Private sale: 26,000,000 MYO
Main sale: MYO 40,000,000
Blockchain features: ERC20 token
Method of participation: ETH *
ICO start: 4/4/2010

Token distribution

Fund distribution





FOR MYCRO project go to the following link:

Website: http://www.mycrojobs.io/
Whitepaper: http://www.mycrojobs.io/
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5008139.0
Telegram: https://t.me/mycrojobs
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mycro.jobs/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mycrojobs
Medium: https://medium.com/mycrojobs

WRITER'S NAME: amih cinta



Minggu, 26 Agustus 2018

zeex - amazing because it has a 0% fee and you have stopped losing money when you change to cryptocurrency on Fiat.


Currently in the field of communication with the real world. They are not yet free to buy the products and services that you want. At the same time, in the same real world there are marketing tools such as gift cards and vouchers. They have opposite weaknesses - they can be changed for goods and services, and money cannot be transferred. The Zeex project, which we talked about today, has found a way to connect the cryptocurrency world to the real world through gift cards. So, the Zeex ICO project is amazing.

Zeex is a new phase that aims to enable customers to exchange their cryptocurrency for goods and businesses in all their major stores and brands. For example, with Zeex, you can exchange chips for Sony items like Playstation 4 and play. Or, on the other hand, you can use Amazon to manage almost everything you can imagine as basic products, clothing, and hardware. Another famous store where customers buy items with a new cryptocurrency is H & M, a traditional Swedish clothing store. Basically, you can use Zeex to convert cryptography into whatever you can imagine. In addition, to complete, if there is no, there is no fiat fee, and no fees are encrypted in any way.

How does Zeex work?

The Zeex stage is the basic structure for shopping, as we see elsewhere, in addition to exchanging cryptocurrency and not fiat. Use the token model directly. In addition, this is a direct result of tokens and stages that you can enjoy mysterious shopping with tokens. Another advantage of using tokens is that it allows you to appreciate the standard debit card entry level with an extraordinary portion of cryptographic currency.

In the same way the stage uses objects that are fully marked. In addition, other prizes are when you buy an item with a ZEEX token, you can get a gift certificate that is not as much as the cost listed on the card. The stage is amazing because it has a 0% fee and you have stopped losing money when you change to cryptocurrency on Fiat.

Another extraordinary gift from the stage is very simple and practical. You can complete it in three easy steps after progress that only touches the gadget or cellphone, with the ability to exchange quickly.

With Zeex, your cryptocurrency is recognized in some of the biggest stores on the planet. Shops like Amazon, where you can enter almost all objects that recognize tokens. How are the famous game stores and clothing / footwear shops - Footlocker. Also, if you like music, at that point you can also buy tickets to appear from Ticketmaster. This hole also recognizes tokens, so you can get decent clothes to let you remain fully informed of the latest template models. The top of the Cla line item can also be accessed to use tokens.

XBOX, Starbucks, and American Eagle Outfitters and more than 350 other major brands will recognize tokens, so you can use Zeex to buy anything you can imagine.

If you want more information about this project and want information about technical specifications and other interesting information, we can only encourage you to read detailed reports with which you can get ideas about

project size and possible expansion and application. We invite you to visit WHITEPAPER and contact us through the Telegram group. Don't miss the great opportunity this great team has to offer you.

Project team:
Despite external simplicity, the Zeex solution is quite difficult to implement technically. This requires a strong team in the first place. The Zeex team has relevant competencies and experience. Each participant can be contacted via LinkedIn or to learn expert reviews on the personal page.




Zeex does to solve one of the urgent problems of cryptocurrency holders. This project is supported by large investors. Like Blumberg, Qualcomm, Scale Up, and others. In the near future we need to wait for an announcement about the ICO. Meanwhile, you can subscribe to the white list to get among the first investors. Enough $ 100.

For more information, follow the link below:

WEB SITE: https://www.zeex.me
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/zeexme
WHITEPAPER: https://storage.googleapis.com/www.zeex.me/zeex-whitepaper.pdf
ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3109781.0
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Zeex-191553494772405/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Zeex_me
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/zeex/
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@Zeex.me
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/zeex/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFEqsY1IPMEC_h-97-ixojA
GITHUB: https://github.com/Zeexme

name bitcointalk: amih cinta
My Profile is BitcointalkURL:

Kamis, 02 Agustus 2018

GEM4ME APP - lze použít jako platební metodu pro platformové služby, jako jsou finance, reklama a další.

O společnosti Gem4me?

Gem4me Market Space je globální e-commerce platforma v prvním decentralizované využívání světových vyspělých technologií, jako jsou inteligentní chatu, blockchain technologie, FINTECH inteligentních zařízení a umělé inteligence. Nejnovější technologie umožňuje platformě následujícími způsoby.

Smart Chatbots - Smart blogy pomáhají automatizovat a zefektivnit procesy.

Blockchain Technology - Technologie Blockchain pomáhá decentralizovat a zajistit průhlednost platformy. Zvyšte také zabezpečení a snižte transakční náklady.

Umělá inteligence - toto je mozkový pódium a zvyšuje efektivitu operace a zároveň minimalizuje lidský zásah do procesu.

Platforma Gem4me je integrována s programem Messenger a vyvíjí se na nové generaci veřejných platforem pro zasílání zpráv používaných 5 miliony uživatelů v 50 zemích. Uživatelé Gem4me mohou využívat následující výhody.

Možnost vytvoření a spuštění libovolné velikosti úložiště.

Možnost poskytování služeb také.

Obchody mohou být vytvořeny s tisíci registrovaných produktů a virtuálních chatů.

Snadno identifikovatelné produkty související s tisíci produkty.

Neexistuje žádný limit.

Schopnost nakupovat fyzické produkty s platbami v digitální měně.

Gem4me se odlišuje od ostatních konkurenčních platforem díky následujícím vlastnostem.

Možnost vytvoření značkového elektronického obchodu.

Globální podpora pro inzerenty.

Jednoduchý systém přeshraničního vypořádání.

Vysoká bezpečnost a průhlednost.

Migrační podpora pro malé podnikatele v přechodu na platformu.


Nejbližší šifrovací služba na světě.

Umožňuje přímý kontakt mezi kupujícími.

Vícejazyčná podpora.

Gem4me používá symbol Gemme Coin (GMC) jako originální charakteristický symbol platformy. GMC je podporována ethernetovou sítí a nabízí svým uživatelům různé funkce. Některé z nich jsou uvedeny níže.

Může být použit pro online a offline nákupy.

To lze použít jako platební metodu pro platformové služby, jako jsou finance, reklama atd.

Lze použít k odběru různých služeb.

700 milionů žetonů bude vydáno mezi účastníky systému a každý symbol bude činit 0,1 USD. GMC Token je kompatibilní s ostatními měnami a je možné zakoupit pomocí BTC, ETH, pomlčka, BCC, LTC, XRP, XRM a USD prostřednictvím banky. Soukromé prodeje jsou nyní otevřené a zůstane otevřena až do 30. června 2018. Prodej bude otevřen před tím, než se prodává od 1. července 2018 a po uzavření, bude centrála začne 15. srpna 2018.

Gem4me zavedla vysoce zkušený manažerský tým, složený z odborníků vysoce kvalifikovaných a zkušených v oblasti informačních technologií, právo, finance, technologie, online obchodování, a marketing. Zde je stručný popis zakladatelů.

Inteligentní peněženka

Platební systém pro ukládání, výměně a řízení finančních aktiv v bankovkách, kódovaný měnu, ověření identity, Assessment Systems, stejně jako schopnost podílet se na kreditních a věrnostních programů.

Služba Crypto / Fiat:

Umožňuje přijímat, stahovat, ukládat a vyměňovat finanční aktiva a šifrování Fiat. Další informace o této službě naleznete v Bílé knize §7.2.

Služba Crypto CashBack:

Další podněcování kupujících k opakování nákupů. Další informace o službách naleznete v Bílé knize §7.3.

GMC kód:

GMC-kód šifrovací schopnosti rozšiřovat služby / Fiat: Toto není jediný způsob platby, ale i kompletní ověření identity, vyhodnocení bonity kupujícího a prodávajícího.

Značky obchodně-analytického kódování:

Umožní zákazníkům přijímat signály od profesionálních obchodníků o koupi a prodeji měnových šifrovacích klíčů. Tato služba je užitečná pro začínající i profesionální hráče na trhu. Přečtěte si více o službách v Bílé knize §7.4.

Mince pero

Interní kódovací měna tržního prostoru a kapacity Gem4me

Gemme Coin (GMC Market Shortcut) je nástroj pro uvedení kódu ekosystému Gem4me, který umožňuje uživatelům přístup k platformě pro využití této funkce. Architektura kosmického trhu Gem4me je navržena a způsob, jakým se GMC kódy používají s důrazem na zajištění jejich peněz. Gemma mince - v Bílé knize § 9.

Informace o tokenu

Utility Code = Název
Acronym Gemme =
Platforma GMC = Ethereum ERC20
Max. Počet žetonů = 12,876,500,000
Přijímač kryptokružnosti = BTC, ETH, DASH, BCC, LTC, XRP, XMR
FIAT je přijatelná = USD
Jemný znak = $ 3,000,000
Distribuce symbolů
Prodejní žetony = 7 000 000 000 - 54%
Ponos = 2 000 000 000 - 16%
Tým = 1 365 000 000 - 11%
Partneři a poradci = 910 000 000 - 7%
Rezervy = 910 000 000 - 7%
Program Bounty = 591,500,000 - 5%


Množství: 7 000 000 000 GMC
Od 15. srpna 2018
Rozlišení: 20.09.2018


Den 1-7 10%
Dny 8-14 7,5%
Za 15 až 21 dní bylo 5%
Za 22-28 dní 2,5%
Do 29-37 dní 1%

Tým a poradce

Děkuji za čtení

Další informace:
Webová stránka: https://ico.marketspace.io
Whitepaper: https://goo.gl/VY4Atk
Telegram: https://t.me/gemme_en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GemMarketSpace
Střední: https://medium.com/@marketspace.biz

ANN Téma: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3744313

Autor Za: amih cinta



Sabtu, 28 Juli 2018

HUMANCOIN - Charitable projects can be funded with minimal operational costs and in a short period of time with a comfortable currency.

Hallo We reunite Brother - Sisters, I will explain the project crypto currencies, this is the most important crypto currency in the world, which is characterized by high volatility. I decided to look for projects where all instruments for trading, which are productive, high quality and profitable by the crypto currency, will be combined. And this is a HUMANCOIN project.

All about Humancoin

Humancoin is a block project that unites philanthropists and recipients on one platform in the most convenient and transparent way. Donors (made up of three of us around the world) can quickly donate to the world.

Charity projects can be funded with minimal operational costs and in a short period of time with a comfortable currency. Blockchain can reduce or even eliminate the needs of third parties (long chain banks, NGOs, government agencies, law firms, etc.). Blockchain can simplify the development of direct delivery platforms on a much larger scale.

How does it work

The platform provides an opportunity to fully monitor online donations, as well as to select and evaluate projects and charities along with other functions.

There is also a receipt for the donation to be used for tax deduction purposes depending on the tax jurisdiction of the donor.

Future project expansion will be financed 5% - from funds collected for charity projects, which are 4 times lower than the market average. Charitable projects, both personal and financial initiatives, including details about the Humancoin platform.

They fill the standard format from the initial phase. In the future, Humancoin plans to conduct a judicial audit with the help of a special financial and legal team. Contributions can be anonymous, or, conversely, if a donor wants it, it can be published.

Why Have Humancoin?

Humancoin tapes can easily be converted into points, miles, bonuses, coupons. The token owner will be a long-term and stable token request.

The popularity of tokens grows.

Confirmation of the concept of "mountain" charity allows the project to scale hundreds and thousands of times.

Humancoin's unique feature

This is the first project in history to be a global aggregator of e-commerce loyalty programs.

The relationship with philanthropy provides its token a unique advantage in developing a loyalty program with partners that creates a strong emotional resonance.

An example of competing with existing programs, the Humancoin token is easily integrated into existing systems - all it takes is conversion rate settings

Problem: lack of trust
Doubts about whether beneficiary contributions will reach full and on time, as well as lack of trust in charitable organizations.
High transaction costs for transactions, the complexity of cross border payments, and work with regulatory agencies.
Inability to differentiate any additional benefits to make a donation.

The solution

Blockchain solves trust issues by providing transparency, search, and security.
Donors can quickly donate worldwide, track their online fees, and benefit from platform partners.

E-commerce symbiosis and fiber-crypto will increase the number of donors.
Among the project partners will be large online stores, service companies, games and entertainment industry, airlines, crypto, international companies, regardless of whether they work with crypto or not.

Competitive analysis

Almost everyone recognizes the need for a transparent and fully managed philanthropy industry through blockchain technology. Nevertheless, in cherr, aidcoin, clearaid, the difference between them.

But this is a niche or a local start-up that does not work outside the philanthropic industry. This is the same number of development blocks, which leads to the growth of e-commerce players.

Registration of beneficiaries

To participate in a charity project on the Humancoin platform, users must register and complete verification. After that, he will be able to donate anonymously or with different levels of disclosure of personal information.

The Toolbar will enable each participant to manage the donation platform, adjust the flow of information and receive reports on projects of interest, interact with donors and / or other recipients through the Humancoin envoy. Platforms of users can download receipts through the interface to obtain valid documents confirming the transfer of funds to a charity to apply for a tax deduction depending on the tax jurisdiction of the donor.

Proof of charity

Mercy Proof This concept allows you to create part of the Humancoin community project in the future.

Basic Information

HUMA marker name
3,055,000,000 HUMA sales tokens
The token price is 0.01 USD
Ethereum Platform
Shipping token 6 000 000 000 HUMA
Hard cover for $ 26,000,000
Soft cover $ 6,000,000

Distribution Tokens
50.9% of the sale of tokens
Development of 16.7%
20% of advisors
8.3% Consultants and stock exchanges
4.1% Bounty


Giles Geiler - General Director
Kate Bublik - CMO

More information Visit The Humancoin Link:

Website: https://www.humancoin.net/
Technical documentation: http://docs.humancoin.net/HumanCoin_whitepaper_en.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Human-Coin-1049107488575656
Twitter: https://twitter.com/humancoinnet
Telegram: https://t.me/HumancoinChat
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/humancoinnet
AnnThreed: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4469466

author Name:  amih cinta
My profile:

My ether wallet address:

HumanCOIN is the most convenient and transparent. Donors (made up of three of us worldwide) can quickly donate to the world,


Hallo Brother - Sister, I will explain a little crypto-currency project, this is the most important crypto currency in the world, which is characterized by high volatility. I decided to look for projects where all instruments for trading, which are productive, high quality and profitable by the crypto currency, will be combined. And this is a HUMANCOIN project.

All about Humancoin

Humancoin is a block project that unites philanthropists and recipients on one platform in the most convenient and transparent way. Donors (made up of three of us worldwide) can quickly donate to the world, monitor spending on the Internet and receive discounts from platform partners.

Charity projects can receive funding with minimal operating costs and in a short period of time with a comfortable currency. Blockchain can reduce or even eliminate the needs of third parties (long chain banks, NGOs, government agencies, law firms, etc.). Blockchain can simplify the development of direct delivery platforms on a much larger scale.

How does it work

The platform provides an opportunity to fully monitor online donations, as well as to select and evaluate projects and charities along with other functions.

There is also an opportunity to receive a receipt for each donation to be used for tax deduction purposes depending on the tax jurisdiction of the donor.

Future project expansion will be financed 5% - from funds collected for charity projects, which are 4 times lower than the market average. Charitable projects, both personal and financial initiatives, including details about the Humancoin platform.

They fill the standard format from the initial phase. In the future, Humancoin plans to conduct a judicial audit with the help of a special financial and legal team. Contributions can be anonymous, or, conversely, if a donor wants it, it can be published.

Why Have Humancoin?

Humancoin tapes can easily be converted into points, miles, bonuses, coupons. The token owner will be a long-term and stable token request.

As the number of partners and the scale of cooperation within the Humancoin network grows, the popularity of tokens grows.

Confirmation of the concept of "mountain" charity allows the project to scale hundreds and thousands of times.

Humancoin's unique feature

This is the first project in history to be a global aggregator of e-commerce loyalty programs.

The relationship with philanthropy provides its token a unique advantage in developing a loyalty program with partners that creates a strong emotional resonance.

An example of competing with existing programs, the Humancoin token is easily integrated into existing systems - all it takes is conversion rate settings

Problem: lack of trust
Doubts about whether beneficiary contributions will reach full and on time, as well as lack of trust in charitable organizations.
High transaction costs for transactions, the complexity of cross border payments, and work with regulatory agencies.
Inability to differentiate any additional benefits to make a donation.

The solution

Blockchain solves trust issues by providing transparency, search, and security.
Donors can quickly donate worldwide, track their online fees, and benefit from platform partners.

E-commerce symbiosis and fiber-crypto will increase the number of donors.
Among the project partners will be large online stores, service companies, games and entertainment industry, airlines, crypto, international companies, regardless of whether they work with crypto or not.

Competitive analysis

Almost everyone recognizes the need for a transparent and fully managed philanthropy industry through blockchain technology. Nevertheless, in the field of charity there are a number of relatively small block projects: cherr, aidcoin, clearaid, the difference between them.

But this is a niche or a local start-up that does not work outside the philanthropic industry. This is the same number of development blocks, which leads to the growth of e-commerce players.

Registration of beneficiaries

To participate in a charity project on the Humancoin platform, users must register and complete verification. After that, he will be able to donate anonymously or with different levels of disclosure of personal information.

The Toolbar will enable each participant to manage the donation platform, adjust the flow of information and receive reports on projects of interest, interact with donors and / or other recipients through the Humancoin envoy. Platform users can download receipts through the interface to obtain valid documents confirming the transfer of funds to a charity to apply for a tax deduction depending on the tax jurisdiction of the donor.

Proof of charity

Mercy Proof This concept allows you to create part of the Humancoin community project in the future.

Basic Information

HUMA marker name
3,055,000,000 HUMA sales tokens
The token price is 0.01 USD
Ethereum Platform
Shipping token 6 000 000 000 HUMA
Hard cover for $ 26,000,000
Soft cover $ 6,000,000

Distribution Tokens
50.9% of the sale of tokens
Development of 16.7%
20% of advisors
8.3% Consultants and stock exchanges
4.1% Bounty


Giles Geiler - General Director
Kate Bublik - CMO


More information Visit The Humancoin Link:

Website: https://www.humancoin.net/
Technical documentation: http://docs.humancoin.net/HumanCoin_whitepaper_en.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Human-Coin-1049107488575656
Twitter: https://twitter.com/humancoinnet
Telegram: https://t.me/HumancoinChat
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/humancoinnet
AnnThreed: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4469466

author Name:  amih cinta
My profile:

My ether wallet address:

Minggu, 22 Juli 2018

I'm sure MOZO is a great idea !! Now this is a very important and up-to-date platform for retail stores

I'm sure MOZO is a great idea !! Now this is a very important and up-to-date platform for retail stores because they feel heavy in the big market. It will help them and people find each other! I'm sure people love a lot of stuff collected in one place!

What is a MOZO token?
Mozo - it is a token created to discover the future of trading. The team's plan to create a digital platform, it will be a real shopping center with online trading. Mozo tokens serve as currency for all transactions. It will be a convenient and universal currency for online trading! In addition, the Mozo platform will help retailers, where many retail outlets are collected.

How does it work?
For a better understanding, I gave you the scheme:

It must be said that the company has the experimental but successful SmartMozo project, which covers 38,000 stores, and it is not finished yet, but it is developing and working on project!

Start learning about Mozo and realize that it is a young company that exists for 2 years but has a serious outcome, even with partnerships with big companies, for example:

Wanda Commercial Properties (Wanda) is the largest mall in China, with more than 120 shopping centers across the country.

China's leading retailer, 361 - is already the second largest sports brand in China.

The platform, which in my opinion offers the greatest opportunity, will allow consumers to accumulate Mozo tokens through the use of Mozo APP and then switch to ETH or BTC.

That means you go shopping, as with Mozo APP, find the store, what you need for a second and get tokens! Great idea and system, I think people will like it and like it!

That's not all! With the smart app, you can discover product information and compare prices and buy products you need from the shop's app!

Physically it is very difficult to go to any shop and find product you need, but online it very easy and fast! This problem for shopping centers and their consumers solves the MOZO platform!

So, by creating such a useful solution, the teams decide to present an ICO. Let us have a look.

The number of Mozo tokens has been set at five billion (5,000,000,000).

Name of the token - MOZO.

Now is live installment 1, Hard Cap - is 42 million dollars

At that moment the project reached the soft cap (20M $) and collected 31M $!

So do not waste your time, you have a good chance to participate and join in, just a little time !!

Token Sale is very successful, which means that many investors are interested and believe in this project!

The roadmap of the project:

In summary, I recommend this project to invest and use product, I see great future for this platform, also Mozo is very popular in Crypto community. I also see a great professional approach and a smart and strong team working on it!

And one important thing:

"Mozo is not a concept, technologies are proven!"

Provision of the most important links and contacts of the project:

Website: https://www.mozocoin.io
Whitepaper: https://www.mozocoin.io/pdf/060418_whitePaper_mozo.pdf
Mozo LightPaper: https://www.mozocoin.io/pdf/060418_lightPaper_mozo.pdf
Bitcointalk ANN thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4169993
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MozoToken
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mozo-Token-2039854656295415/
Telegram: https://t.me/mozotoken
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mozo-project/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8TfvRCXgYXVwoIIUDQp1sQ?view_as=Abonnent
Medium: https://medium.com/@mozotoken
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/MozoToken/
Github: https://github.com/Biglabs/Mozo-SC

AUTHOR: Amih Cinta
ETH WALLET: 0x23dAB35e58a3C493d58B02e9b26f3Cba884988Fd

Senin, 23 April 2018

ما هو Invox المالية ..؟

ما هو Invox المالية ..؟

ستقوم منصة Invox Finance بربط التجار والمضاربين والمشترين على منصة واحدة ، بالإضافة إلى التعاونيات الخارجية المتخصصة (على سبيل المثال ، مكاتب تقييم FICO ووكلاء التأمين المؤهلين). من المهم أن يتصل المشترون من السلع والشركات بالمنصة ويمكنهم تأكيد نهج التطبيق وقبول المعلومات الديناميكية. سيتم أيضا تعويض المشتري مع Invox Token لتأكيد التطبيق.

تعمل شركة Invox Finance أيضًا كمنصة توزيع غير مركزية للتوزيع ، مما يسمح للتجار والمشترين والمضاربين والمنظمات المتخصصة الأخرى بالربط بشكل خاص والعمل معًا ومشاركة البيانات المناسبة. وتخطط المنصة لإنشاء حالة سرية عن طريق تشجيع الانفتاح بين الأطراف والتعويض عن التنفيذ. وستعمل هذه المنصة على تعطيل وتمويل التمويل من خلال تنفيذ إطار يتم فيه تحقيق الثقة والانفتاح في جميع الاجتماعات من خلال إطار هدية غير محرّر. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، لن يخضع تنفيذ تدفق البيانات وتدفق البيانات إلى اتحاد تعاوني موحد ومتكامل ، ولكن سيتم إدارته من خلال ترتيب متكامل مباشر يتم تنفيذه على سجلات موزعة بالكامل

كما سيعمل هذا المنبر على تعزيز الإطار البيئي الذي يتم فيه تكوين الثقة بين الاجتماعات من خلال إطار العمل الأساسي. لا يخضع تنفيذ التبادل وتدفق البيانات لمنظمات متخصصة مركزة ، ولكن تدار من خلال الترتيب المباشر للمبادئ المطبقة في السجلات التي تم تسليمها بالفعل. كما سيزيد من يقين جميع الاجتماعات في مواقع مختلفة ويسهل التسوية النهائية لأي إيصالات قرض. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، ستوفر منصة تمويل Invox إمكانية وصول التجار (الذين يريدون إجراء نسخ احتياطي لأوامرهم) إلى أخصائي مالي. شروط القرض سوف تفيد كل من التاجر والمهني المالي. سيتمكن التجار من الحصول على التمويل من خلال تقليل تكاليف الاقتراض بدلاً من تلك التي يتم الحصول عليها عادة من الوكلاء. سيتم منح المهنيين الماليين إمكانية الوصول إلى السلع التجارية التي لا يمكن الوصول إليها إلا من قبل البنوك ومنظمات الصناديق.



تعمل شركة ABR Finance منذ عام 2012 ، وقد ساعدت في دعم المؤسسات في جميع أنحاء أستراليا بمبلغ 30 مليون دولار أسترالي في نظام الفواتير ، على نطاق واسع من المشاريع بما في ذلك تكنولوجيا المعلومات ، وتجارة الجملة ، والتطوير ، والنقل ، والتصميم ، والمعدات ، وعقود العمل ، وتوزيع الخدمات المتميزة. فهم يدركون أن إحدى الصعوبات الرئيسية التي تواجه المشاريع الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم اليوم هي القدرة على الحفاظ على دخل ثابت. في الواقع ، حتى الأعمال المثمرة التي توصل منتجات أو خدمات ذات جودة عالية ، إلى قاعدة عملاء لا تتزعزع ، يمكن أن تستمر في الإزعاج في غير محله من أن يواجهوا قطرة في الدخل لا يمكن تجنبها في بعض الأحيان. وجد تقرير لجنة الأوراق المالية والاستثمارات الأسترالية في إفلاس الشركات أن 40٪ من المؤسسات لديها دخل ناقص أو أموال عالية تستخدم. (1) لا يشكل نموذج التمويل التقليدي للاستلام صلة فورية بين الشخص الذي يدعم الإيصال ويدفع الفرد ذلك الاستلام. ويتمثل اقتراحهم في إنشاء منصة لا مركزية تربط جميع التجمعات والبيانات المناسبة وتنفذ شروط وحالات كل تبادل مع نفاذية وإثبات أكثر جدارة بالملاحظة من بين كل ما هو مدرج.


سيتم إجراء Invox Tokens على Ethereum لترتيب استخدام معيار ERC-20 وستكون لديه الأداة المساعدة المرافقة: - منح الوصول إلى النظام الأساسي من خلال برنامج الأعضاء الموثوق بهم ؛ و - مكافأة العمل المنجز للنظام الأساسي. أي أن الإطار سيعوض المشترين والتجار مع Invox Tokens عن إيصال الاستلام ، الدفعة من الاستدراج والتسوية.

الفواتير ديناميكية العقد الذكية

سيتم إرسال اتفاقية بشأن العقود الذكية للفواتير الديناميكية إلى شبكة Ethereum الرئيسية. وستشجع على إنتاج طلبات فريدة تمامًا وتسجيل هذه الطلبات في سجل تداول. ستخزن الاستعلامات الديناميكية أيضًا بيانات إضافية ، مثل حالة التحقق ، والتقدم المحرز مقابل الطلبات والأسعار. كما أنها تضمن أن البيانات المخزنة في السجل بسيطة ، صلبة وآمنة. تمكن Blockchains هياكل المعلومات لنقل الاستفسارات وتصميمها بعناية. يسمح ذلك لجميع أعضاء السجل بمشاهدة حالة الإيصال كوقت.

تقدم العقود الذكية

كما يتم إرسال هذه العقود الذكية على شبكة Ethereum الرئيسية. ستعزز هذه الاتفاقيات تدفق الأصول بين المضاربين والتجار والمشترين. كما سيقومون بتوجيه الأصول إلى اجتماع محدد (إذا تم استيفاء شروط حذرة معينة) والسماح بقطع القروض لتقليل المخاطر التي يتعرض لها المتخصص المالي. يتم تضمين المتطلبات المسبقة في العقود الذكية التي تطمئن جميع الأعضاء إلى أن شروطها وشروطها سيتم تنفيذها.

وصول العميل ومعالجة المحور

هذا هو المكان الذي تلتقي فيه جميع الاجتماعات وتعمل معًا. الغرض الرئيسي من المحور هو السماح للمضاربين والتجار والمشترين وغيرهم من الأفراد بالاستثمار بطريقة متسقة وكفؤة للتواصل والعمل على البيانات وتشجيع إطلاق وتنفيذ مختلف العقود والإجراءات الصارمة.

تكامل بنك API

تقوم إحداثيات Linux / Python cron cast بالاتصال من إدارة API المتزامنة في الحساب إلى العقد الحاد. أصبح هذا أسهل في Microsoft Azure Cloud باستخدام خزائن المفاتيح للإدارة الرئيسية. قد تستمر الاتفاقيات المستقبلية في العمل بالقرب من مزارع الخوادم مع Gameloto HS.
بالتزامن مع منصة تمويل Invox ، يتم إنشاء رمز Invox على شبكة Ethereum. تستخدم الرموز Invox المعيار ERC-20 الرمز المميز ولها المرافق المرتبطة بها.
تزود The Invox tokens التجار بحق الوصول إلى منصة تمويل Invox. من خلال برنامج الأعضاء الموثوق بهم ، يجب على كل تاجر دفع عدد معين من الرموز Invox كالتسجيل السنوي من أجل الوصول إلى النظام الأساسي. مكافأة العمل المنجز يقوم إطار العمل بتكريم المشترين والتجار مع رموز Invox للمراجعة واستكمال الطلبات.


باختصار ، ومن خلال إبداء رأيي ، فإن منصة تمويل Invox هي منصة لا مركزية للإعارة المشتركة والتي تمكن البائعين والمشترين والأخصائيين الماليين والتعاونيات المتخصصة الأخرى من ربط البيانات وربطها ومشاركتها وإرسالها بسهولة. وتعتزم المنصة وضع شرط للمخزون من خلال تعزيز الاستقامة بين الأطراف والتعويض عن التنفيذ. ستعمل هذه المنصة على تعطيل وتغيير تمويل الاستلام التقليدي من خلال توفير إطار يتم فيه إنشاء الثقة والاستقامة بين جميع الاجتماعات من خلال نظام مكافآت مدمج. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك ، فإن تنفيذ عمليات التبادل وتدفق البيانات لن يخضع لتعاون مهني واحد متكامل ، وإنما إلى ترتيب مباشر للسياسات التي يتم تنفيذها على سجل تداول كامل.

فريق ومستشار


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موقع الويب: https://www.invoxfinance.io/

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